Electricians in Kannapolis, North Carolina
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2 Kannapolis Electricians Found
Kevin M
Kannapolis, North Carolina
Active over a week ago
Contact for rates
18 years exp.
Licensed, Bonded, and Insured Electrical Contractor
Enterprise Electric is a full service,Licensed,Bonded,and Insured Electrical Contracting company that offers a wide variety of services that...
Enterprise Electric is a full service,Licensed,Bonded,and Insured Electrical Contracting company that offers a wide variety of services that makes us a one stop shop for all of your residential and commercial electrical and lighting needs. At our company we believe that that the customers needs always come first day or night. We offer 24hour emergency services In Your time of n...
Ronnie M
Kannapolis, North Carolina
Active over a week ago
From 50.00/hour
Electrical Handyman
Reasonable electrician for all your electrical needs. Also experience in low voltage cabling, networking, security camera. Over 18 years exp...
Reasonable electrician for all your electrical needs. Also experience in low voltage cabling, networking, security camera. Over 18 years experience in the field.
Email ...@hotmail.com
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