Electricians in Macon, Georgia
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2 Macon Electricians Found
Brian B
Macon, Georgia
Active over a week ago
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Experienced Journeyman electrician
42 year old Journeyman Electrician with 20 years in the trade, my experience in the electrical trade starts at the residential and small com...
42 year old Journeyman Electrician with 20 years in the trade, my experience in the electrical trade starts at the residential and small commercial projects all the way to 41600 volt AC substations for power distribution centers. I have experience in the photovoltaic systems / solar power
Automotive Electrical experience
Automated and programmable controls/ robotics
Bryan P
Macon, Georgia
Active over a week ago
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Master Electrician / No job too big or small
At Boisson Electric we have over 45 years of experience. We pride ourselves in bringing to you quality work at a price you can afford. New a...
At Boisson Electric we have over 45 years of experience. We pride ourselves in bringing to you quality work at a price you can afford. New and old wiring. Industrial , Commercial , or Residential. No problem. American owned and operated. So give us a call today!
Call Bryan at (478) 38...
License #EN008402
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