Electricians in Fairfield, California
The #1 way to hire a professional electrician
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2 Fairfield Electricians Found
David L
Fairfield, California
Active over a week ago
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Residential Electrician
I am an electrician in the fairfield/vacaville area offering my services for any small residential repairs as well as any big installations...
I am an electrician in the fairfield/vacaville area offering my services for any small residential repairs as well as any big installations and fixes. Recessed lighting, outside lights, inside lights, light fixtures, ceiling fans, switch and receptacle repairs/replacements, etc. No job is too small or too big. Please give me a call if I'm in your area and I can give you a reaso...
Lorenzo H
Fairfield, California
Active over a week ago
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Electrician Trainee
Electrician Trainee with 3 months of industrial experience. My electrical trainee card is current and active.
Electrician Trainee with 3 months of industrial experience. My electrical trainee card is current and active.
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