Electricians in Ventura, California
The #1 way to hire a professional electrician
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2 Ventura Electricians Found
Ray B
Ventura, California
Active over a week ago
From 45.00/hour
33 years exp.
Experienced Electrician
Well qualified electrician. 33 years in the trade. Tell me what you need..I bet I can help. Trouble calls, circuit addition, lighting improv...
Well qualified electrician. 33 years in the trade. Tell me what you need..I bet I can help. Trouble calls, circuit addition, lighting improvements, I am not licensed, but I am State certified
Pete R
Ventura, California
Active over a week ago
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Electrician available for any size job
You have found a high quality electrician. I'm semi-retired and while I can meet your deadline I'm never going to rush a job. Time is on my...
You have found a high quality electrician. I'm semi-retired and while I can meet your deadline I'm never going to rush a job. Time is on my side now. Call 805-246-...
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